Mama of course went to play mahjong. It was a game " King of Mahjong" held in the gathering. Mama took part in it. Mama arrrived at the restaurant on time and started to play. However, mama lost in the first round.
When it was the time for the dinner start, mama came and took me to the restaurant. When mama's colleagues saw me, all of their comment was " Mama and I would never lost as we are really look alike". One of mama's directors loved me very much. He held me in his arms several times. Mama's boss also held me in his arm. Mama thought that it was so lucky that chunchun didn't refuse that. Some of mama's colleague didn't know that mama already has a daughter. They were so surpised that mama's baby has grown up so quickly
The banquet started with giving red pockets to the children including me. Then we played some games. In the riddle game, papamam won $300 for answering three questions correcly!! In the 甩牌 game. One from each table participated. The winner got 36 correct in 1 minute!!! The least one got 22 correct. They are really "King of Mahjong". In lucky draw, mama got a $100 coupon. At last, there was a special prize. As the one who got the 1st prize chose a cash of $2000 instead of the prize which cost $3500. The host took the prize and took out $500 for lucky draw. That means, there was no such a prize at first, it was a very special prize.
The lucky guy was...Tang Yee Chun.
Mama was so happy about that as we were very lucky. Mama's colleague also said that our family was very lucky and asked mama to bring chaichai to join their activity next time.
Our reward for this gathering was $950 in total. In fact, all the winners in the mahjong game and the lucky person have to share with other colleague their rewards. Most of them used up their money and only mama could "survive" with the $950 still in pocket safely.
The chidren played with me...
Mama was listening to the instruction of 勁飲大賽
Mama and I
Mama's director loved me very much.