2008年4月7日 星期一


嫲嫲was sick. Thus papamama asked auntie fong to look after me. When auntie fong picked me up from the nursery, she asked me what do I want to eat? "揸橙汁呀!", I said.

I performed well so the teacher let me to pass to the last stage of the transition. Starting from tomorrow, I will go to school for a full day. It was a good news for papamama as they would not need to ask 嫲嫲 to look after me anymore. But to me, it is too early to say it is a good news.

Today, I repeatly sang the song: 俾我地…芒果食…香蕉食…雀仔吱吱…. Mama could recognized what is it.


Not only this, I suddenly sang "CLEARLY" the songs that mama teached me before. "head and shoulder" "London bridge is falling down".


