2008年5月24日 星期六


Really really really want to go for a trip. Where to go ...Europe, Australia, Japan, Thailand...is not important. Just want to spend a wonderful holiday with my dearest family.

Papamama thus decided to apply for a trip. Outside Asia....papa was afraid that chaichai and I cannot stay in the aeroplane quietly. Southern Asia....papa was afraid that chaichai would get sick after drinking the water there. The only choice remains to Japan....

Papa was very excited about that and asked for information in different travel agent. When mama was feeding chaichai, mama thought carefully. Mama thought that it was too costly for a trip to Japan. The cost included the fee to the travel agent (2 adults, 1 children which is only $1000 less than adult and 1 infant which is only $1000) and the cost of annual leave. (papamama can both transfer the holiday into salary). Finally...our trip became nothing. But mama promise there will be a trip at the end of this year.

We then went here and there in the street taking photos with chaichai and I.

Mama always remember I said "津津做家姐姐" when she was staying in the hospital after delivery of chaichai. Mama was very happy to see me playing like the elder sister.

