2008年4月30日 星期三



2008年4月29日 星期二





2008年4月28日 星期一











2008年4月27日 星期日




2008年4月26日 星期六



2008年4月25日 星期五



2008年4月24日 星期四




2008年4月23日 星期三

Funny conversation

-         正當爸爸跟契媽傾電話,媽媽又正在照顧細佬,我自己玩玩具,然後我吩咐爸爸,『唔好郁,雙手放係大脾,dup低頭』,轉個身,我發現爸爸郁了,又再吩咐他說,『唔好郁,雙手放係大脾,dup低頭』。

-         媽媽用單車推我返學,她說:『你下次要自己踩架啦』,我回答說:『我唔夠高呀』。

-         我現在可以講電話,公公打電話來,我拿著跟他說:『我頭先係呢到跌親呀』,有時又會點頭示意,哎呀!我何時才知道我家的電話是沒有視像的。

-         我未夠高按升降機的掣,媽媽跟我解釋我不可只吃菜菜,要多吃米飯才會高的。今天我們家到大舅父家吃飯,吃完飯準備回家,我總是第一個跑出門,當爸爸媽媽才剛剛踏出門口,我已噼噼啪啪跑到升降機門前,再噼噼啪啪走到媽媽跟前,很開心地跟媽媽說:『我㩒到呀』,媽媽去看看,我雖是夠高可以按到,但太細力按不著,媽媽叫我再來一次,這次才行。

-         聽清楚了,我的同學不是梁志健,是楊志杰,還有一位,是曾樂謙。爸爸想:『為何都是男同學的?』

-         每次細佬便便後,媽媽跟細佬換片,我都:『我睇,我睇』,當看到那些便便,我就會問媽媽:『媽媽你食唔食呀?』(其實我是從媽媽那裡學的,她問過我一次,我以後就跟著問,所以說話不要講啊!)

-         戒了片片後,我試過三次賴屎屎,第一次由婆婆處理。第二次,我告訴爸爸:『地下有屎屎呀』,爸爸才發現,大件事!第三次,我給媽媽看看大腿的一點屎屎,跟媽媽說:『媽媽,污糟o左』,媽媽看看,不是污糟o左,係勁污糟,整個屁股,地地都有!

-         媽媽有時會打我,她要我拿出手手,我拿出的時候,看到媽媽想打,我又驚又縮手,媽媽堅持要我拿出手手,最多打得細力一點,久而久之,媽媽打我的時候,我又驚又會說:『細細力呀』。

-         很多時候,我的說話都是學媽媽的。有時候,有人問我一些難題,我會答:『er….我唔知道呀』。

-         有一個星期六,媽媽起床準備返工,我都跟著醒了,我坐到我的小枱子,打開上面的報紙說:『我睇報紙』,怎知媽媽跟我說她要返工,我哭著走到媽媽面前擁著媽媽叫她不要返工,後來爸爸都醒了,他跟我說他不用返工,我才肯放媽媽走。

-         有一天晚上,媽媽跟我睡覺的時候,她跟我說明天我要返學,我說:『我唔返學』,媽媽問:『咁媽媽呢?』我答:『媽媽唔好返工』,媽媽再問:『咁爸爸呢?』我答:『爸爸唔好返工』,媽媽再問:『咁細佬呢?』我答:『細佬唔好去芳姨到』,媽媽心想:『津津真的很清醒啊!』其實媽媽也很想一家人在一起不用各散東西,但是為了對社會有貢獻,我們要各自努力,唯有晚上才一家團聚吧﹗

-         有一天晚上,電視播『霍完甲』,有一個大隻佬,媽媽說這個是STRONG MAN,我看到他打人,很驚呀,跟媽媽說:『媽媽唔好睇Strong man』。

-         有一天,我夾到手手,跟媽媽說:『手手好痛呀』,媽媽問:『係唔係媽媽夾到你呀?』,我答:『津津自己唔小心』,媽媽心想:『你個人仔又無講大話喎』。

2008年4月22日 星期二


Mama received an interview invitation of a government post she previously applied. It is really a very harsh training to mama’s EQ and patience. Mama is too tired to go to work, to look after chaichai and me and to prepare for interview at the same time…Mama just know that one of her ex-colleague get an offer of permanent post. Wow!!! How great is it! This is a reward that worthy of mama’s hard work.


“Mama, work hard. Don’t fall short our great support and expectation!”

2008年4月21日 星期一


Mama has completed her mission to interview for a contract post in EPD. It was the fourth government post mama has applied and result was pending. For all of them, mama did not have any expectation at first. However, as the results were pending, more and more false appearance came up in mama’s brain. Mama even cannot concentrate on her work and became depressed. What a great challenge to mama’s EQ! Can the time pass quickly and pass to the time when the results be released? Knowing there will not be a chance would be even better than just waiting.

2008年4月20日 星期日

Happy Sunday

Today, we went to the Sunday worship in the morning. Then we joined an opening party of a wine shop of papa’s ex-schoolmate-uncle Ivan.

Mama and I already dressed up. Oh~ chaichai, how can your hair be so untidy?

About the wine shop, mama really appreciated uncle Ivan papa’s braveness.

One year ago, when mama was struggling with her previous job, mama heard that uncle Ivan has quitted his job of being an accountant without any offer. Uncle Ivan mentioned that it was too harsh to work as an accountant and he really want to take a rest. After staying at home for a two-month time, uncle Ivan decided to work as an agent in selling wine. Now, uncle Ivan already became a boss who own a wine shop. Conversely, mama now is still working in the construction industry. Mama thought that uncle Ivan’s experience is a good model for mama to struggle for a better career.

Then we took photos and played in the playground.

Today, we had our dinner at 大舅父’s home.

細舅父 introduced to his friends that “Ayden showed naughtiness on his face while chaichai showed quietness on his face”. Do you agree?

Mama was happy as she brought a very good present for Ayden.

2008年4月19日 星期六

Mama work hard II

Saturday was the hardest day for mama if it was a long week. Mama had to prepare for a presentation and took minutes for a long meeting. In addition, mama know that papa has to look after both chunchun and chaichai on his own. Today was even worse as mama did not have enough sleep yesterday and there was a rainstorm. When mama backed home, she found herself even could not feed chaichai. Then mama went to sleep for two hours.


Recently, chaichai was undergoing 厭奶期. He did not cry for milk for several hours. He cried if you feed him milk. He could only finish a half bottle even if he drink the milk.

2008年4月18日 星期五

Chaichai's 100-day

Today, mama need to interview. Mama woke up automatically at about 6am. Mama studied in the morning and became tired again. Fortunately, papa stayed at home to accompany mama. Papa used a very old method to help mama sleep. That was, to read a book of philosophy. Mama slept at once.

Having prepared, having plenty of sleep, having the backup of auntie fong and 婆婆and having the greatest support from papa, I really hope that mama could get the job successfully.

Today, we had a wonderful time with my extended family. Mama has organized a 100-day party for chaichai. It was a very simple but warm and happy party. Mama at first has no idea on how to celebrate chaichais 100-day. Mama at first decided not to banquet as it would spend mama a lot of effort to prepare. However, when mama saw chaichais lovely face, mama did not want chaichai to be so lonely in his 100-day. Thus, mama decided to organize such a party despite mamas busywork.

I was happy as I love blowing candle.

Chaichai and cousin Ayden were also happy when they saw and play each other.

Mamapapa were happy as we were happy.

婆婆has not came as she has to take a rest after looking after chunchun for a whole day.

However, mama has to work until midnight for tomorrows presentation.

2008年4月17日 星期四

Mama work hard

In order to concentrate on preparing an interview, mama did not bring chaichai and me home. Mama asked auntie fong and 婆婆 to look after chaichai and me respectively. Mama was too tired that she fell asleep at once after work. In mid-night, mama found her leg jerking. Mama really needed to take a deep rest.

2008年4月15日 星期二


最近,我變得很乖很乖,沒有再賴尿尿,自己叫去痾朱朱 ; 沒有欺負細佬,反而學爸爸媽媽一樣跟他說話惹他笑 ; 沒有吐飯飯、沒有掉玩具,沒有發脾氣…不過,對奶奶卻變得很依賴,每天早晨都哭著要奶奶,還指定要用大奶樽,媽媽很體諒我,因為我剛剛轉全日返學,可能還未適應,所以都盡量滿足我的心理需要。







2008年4月14日 星期一




2008年4月13日 星期日


Mama thought that it is very harsh to pick up chunchun to the nursery by hand. Therefore, mama tried to use my tricycle. Now, the tricycle was driven by mama. I hope I can ride the tricycle by myself soon.

Starting from last Saturday, I could tell papamama that I need to go to toilet. I haven't wet my trousers then. Papamama was so happy about that. I even told mama 『梁志健賴尿』﹙Mama guess that I should be one of chunchun's classmate. However, the name is same as one of the manager in mama's company who is also the brother of New World CEO!!). Mama thus asked me not to wet my trousers or my classmates would tell their parents that 『鄧以津賴尿』.

2008年4月12日 星期六

Hong Kong Park

Today, we went to Hong Kong Park after attending the worship at our Church. We had a wonderful time there and had taken a lot of beautiful pictures.

This is the pose of my own style.

This is the pose forced my mama.

Papa and chaichai are handsome.

Can you recognised? This is called "whole family T-in-T".

At first, I was so afraid. I became wooden when I sat on the swing. Suddenly, I cried for mama to hold. But, after a while, I requested mama to let me sit on the swing again. I became very happy this time.

2008年4月11日 星期五




放學時,  媽媽發現余老師又替我紥了兩條很可愛的辮辮,媽媽再替我穿得靚靚,因為今天有很充實的活動呢!












2008年4月10日 星期四


Today 姑姐 was on leave. She thus came to my nursery to observe me. She told mama that I always asked the teacher Miss Yu to hold me.  Miss Yu could do nothing except holding me in her arm. She could hardly bear some effort to look after other children.

嫲嫲 also told mama that I need to pray before having my dinner. "天父,多謝你,賜俾我,有食物,祈禱奉主耶穌之名,阿門". Papamama were very happy about that. Mama wanted to teach me to pray and thank God for giving chaichai's milk later.

2008年4月9日 星期三

Three-month old

Today was the three-month birthday of chaichai. I have to thank God for giving him a good health and growth in the previous three months. Chaichai, let us play hard and grow hard. I hope that you can play with me very soon.

Today, I did not wet my trousers during napping at the nursery. However, auntie fong complained me for shouting intentionally in front of sleeping chaichai making him frightened.

When papamama picked me home, I sang the song 神愛我愛你 again. This time, more words could be heard clearly. Mama asked me what song I would like to sing. "唱主耶穌", I answered.

Papamana planned to have their wedding photo taking on 28 September 2008. Chaichai and I will wear ceremonial dress and join the activity. All of us are excited. Papamama said that they have to spend effort to keep fit. Yeah~~~

2008年4月8日 星期二

My sister-Tang Yee Chai









First Full School Day

Today was the first day to stay in the nursery for a full day. I could not sleep in the afternoon and even wetted my trouser. Auntie Fong found me wear a sad face when she picked me up from the nursery. I think I need some time to get familiar with this.

It was really tired to go to school for a whole day. Therefore I asked for milk at 9:30pm and then fell asleep at 10pm by myself. Chaichai was even better. He fell asleep at 10:30pm after his meal and slept quietly until 7am in the morning.

Papamama were very happy to have a good sleep tonight. Yeah~

2008年4月7日 星期一


嫲嫲was sick. Thus papamama asked auntie fong to look after me. When auntie fong picked me up from the nursery, she asked me what do I want to eat? "揸橙汁呀!", I said.

I performed well so the teacher let me to pass to the last stage of the transition. Starting from tomorrow, I will go to school for a full day. It was a good news for papamama as they would not need to ask 嫲嫲 to look after me anymore. But to me, it is too early to say it is a good news.

Today, I repeatly sang the song: 俾我地…芒果食…香蕉食…雀仔吱吱…. Mama could recognized what is it.


Not only this, I suddenly sang "CLEARLY" the songs that mama teached me before. "head and shoulder" "London bridge is falling down".


2008年4月6日 星期日


Mama at first wanted to go out with our whole family. However, just after having our lunch, 公公婆婆 wanted to brought me to the playground. Mama thought that it was a good chance to do some houseworks as our clothes and dishes were not washed and the floor has not been cleaned for a long time.

At around 5pm, having finished all the housework, papamama decided to bring me back. However,  公公said chunchun refused to leave the playground. Then papamama brought along chaichai and went to playground to play with me. Chunchun was really happy. Chaichai was happy too. See~

Papamama agreed that their happiness was come from chunchun and chaichai and their entertainment was make chunchun and chaichai happy. Not to do something for themselves anymore.

Then papamama went shopping. They bought some foods for the use of the heat oven. Yeah~

2008年4月4日 星期五

又係Mega box

Today, mama needed not to go to work. Papa and mama brought me to the nursery. This time, papamama stayed outside the nursery for a while and observed me. I used to watch the television for a while. Then I played with my classmates. When papamama came and picked me up from the nursery, I cried. Miss Chu described that it was because I wanted to 嗲 mama. In fact, I performed quite well during school time and did some funny things. I heard someone talking outside the nursery so I asked Miss Chu "邊個講o野?". Miss Chu opened the door and found two old men talking. "伯伯講o野", Miss Chu answered. "我睇呀!"I requested. Then Miss Chu has to hold me and take a look.

Mama found that Miss Yu has braided my hair  in a pair of pigtails. Very nice and cute. Miss Yu told mama that I put my hand on my head preventing her to braid my hair and said "媽媽紥辮辮". Papamama brought me to take student photo at once before my hair become untidy. Then I also played in the ball pool and waving train. Yes. They were my favourite.

姨婆 asked mama to play mahjong together and one of my 表姑姐 want to buy me new clothes with her newly released salary. Then we went to shop at Mega Box again. Finally, 表姑姐 bought one for me and one for chaichai.

2008年4月3日 星期四




2008年4月2日 星期三




2008年4月1日 星期二



1. 有一次,媽媽問我:『爸爸媽媽結婚,好唔好?』我擰擰頭說︰『爸爸媽媽津津結婚』。

2. 最近,媽媽去了做負離子(沒有剪髮),回到家裡,我望著媽媽說:『媽媽剪頭髮』媽媽心想︰『咁都眼得出?』爸爸才承認是他告訴我的。

3. 嫲嫲留有長指甲,有一次,嫲嫲替我清潔便便後,我指著嫲嫲的手說:『呢個整到我好痛呀』。

4. 有一次,嫲嫲在我家照顧我,她上厠所時我不願留在厠所外,嫲嫲只好開著門,我說:『嫲嫲好核突』。

5. 有一次,表姑姐問我:『細佬乖唔乖?』我說:『唔乖,細佬嘔奶』,表姑姐再問我:『咁津津乖唔乖?』我說:『唔乖,津津吐飯飯』。

6. 有一次,我和媽媽上厠所,聽到水喉發出嗚嗚聲,我問:『咩聲呀?』媽媽很詳細解釋:『因為沖了水水,要添水水入水箱到,水喉有水經過,咪會嗚嗚聲囉』,我呆望著媽媽,問:『你明唔明白呀?』

7. 晚上,媽媽常常會跟我講故事,多是回憶一天的事,媽媽想我回憶一下我返學的活動,所以後來,媽媽叫我講個故事來聽聽,我說:『從前呀,有,哥哥姐姐啦』,完了。最近,加多一句:『從前呀,有,哥哥姐姐啦,你明唔明白呀?』。媽媽近來,常常跟我講龜兔賽跑,聽講後,現在我講故事是這樣的:『從前呀,有烏龜,去跑步啦,好犀利呀』。媽媽最近教我,希望我學會講一個完整的:『從前呀,有烏龜,同兔仔去跑步啦,烏龜好慢,兔仔好快,兔仔訓覺覺豬,烏龜贏o左呀』。現在還未可以。

8. 有一首歌是"家燕媽媽",爸爸把歌詞改成"鄧以津津"和"鄧以齊齊",我都跟爸爸一起改歌詞"鄧以小寶寶",最近更會唱"鄧以電視機"。