不停玩攤位遊戲,不停取奬品,雖然是做善事,媽媽不想小朋友們亂花錢,又不想取到禮物之後不珍惜,所以期間媽媽不停提醒我們不可以樣樣都玩樣樣都買,媽媽只選擇較為有趣的奬品讓我們玩,這次,媽媽都算 "慷慨"的了!
Before the trip to Sichuen, papa already promised mama to bring us to Stanley and participate to this Autumn Fair organized by CSD.
Though it was a charity function, mama didn't want us to spend extravagently and not to treasure the gifts. Mama repeatly reminded us not to buy and play what we want. Mama only let us to choose the gifts that were worthy. Mama thought that she was already "generous" this time.

My harvest: sticker with pen, smurf book, barbie dress, a small barbie, a deerhorn headdress, decorations to christmas tree

Chaichai's harvest: shark-looked electrical bubble blower, electrical ship...mama thought that the toys are interesting and let us to play at the booth. In fact, the toys were not won by us. They were won by mama's continuous negotiation. However, chaichai grabbed both of them and did not share with me.

There was orchestra performance. In fact, I wanted to see police dog performance but time was not allowed.

It was drizzling when I was having my painting on hand. Fortunately, the drizzle only lasted for a while and stopped very soon. Thanks GOD~
Eaten some snackes and played for a while, we went to the market.

Recently, mama saw the photos taken by her colleague. Comparing with mama's, Mama found that the photos taken by colleague are so lively, artistic and seems like reflecting the feeling at the moment of shoot. Mama was told that those photos require the photographer to put efford and spend time to plan and to capture. In this regard, mama did try a bit...

怎麼?行嗎?What do you think?
Today, there were some booths for tasting in Stanley. Mama and I tried Latte Art. However, the instructor didn't let me to try by myself as she was afraid that I would get burnt.

bb 的樣子很老積,媽媽說不像抱著bb,媽媽餵他吃奶,他乖乖的,吃完掃風又大大聲地"嗝"了一聲,認真合作呀!
We also dated sister wing for visiting her new born baby. We were late as there was a serious traffic jam. It made me sleep and sleep on the car.
BB looked a little bit older than his actual age. Mama said it was like she was not holding a baby. Mama fed him and took care of him. Baby issac was very cooperateive by finishing his milk quitely and with a big "GED" sound.

原來bb叫issac,細佬的英文名也是issac呢!希望細佬真的能學會以撒 一成的禮讓好了!
Yes. Chaichai is also named Issac. I really want chaichai to have 10% of Issac's courtesy.