Mama loves doing artworks and other extra-curricular activities with you two as this is a way to keep together and bring up our creativities. It also gives me the chance to do what I did not enjoyed duing my school life.
While looking at my own creatures which designed, drawn, coloured all by myself....well.....it seems I had done something wrong, i,e, I had ignored your involvement and enjoyment during the process.

Yes. I should have confidence on you and let you do them by yourselves. Wow~I can see Chaichai colouring within margins and evenly with water colour.

Chunchun has her own style on colour selection. She likes colourful. I should respect her own choice.

很靚啊!It's lovely.

This is the entry for another coloring competition. I taught Chunchun how to make progressive colour change.

In addition to artworks, we also read book and do the book report everyday together.
I had been focusing on finishing the books and book reports efficently and forgot that I should let you to do them by youselves.

Once, I read a book with you two. After that, I helped Chaichai to finish the book report. It gave Chunchun a chance to finish the book report all by herself. Finally, I found that Chunchun had written down the vocabularies neatly and also had drawn lovely iconograph.

How about Chaichai? I let him write simple words such as the date and the letter "A".

Everyday, I see you two brush you teeth, change uniform, do homework, draw pictures, read book and write book report...I notice that you two can do many many things all by yourselves....suddenly, I found the greatest motivation for working hard for you and for myself. I am so proud of you two.