Having dinner and watching TV at the same time with his legs on the chair.

Chaichai loves cartoons and loves the wicked dialogue. Look~

Having dinner and watching TV at the same time with his legs on the chair.

Chaichai loves cartoons and loves the wicked dialogue. Look~

Sometimes when he was normal, he showed us what he learnt at school.

These pants was bought by papa once during sunday lesson after chaichai wetted his pants. Everytime we saw he wearing these pants, we asked him "who brough these for you" "why he brough these for you". Chaichai had no alternative but answered...the truth...

last sunday, when mama bought me a pack of sticker, chaichai also made a request.

Auntie Peggy bought Stubborn chaichai a pair of nice shoes with checkers of which Sister Sa pronounced as "cockcoach shoes". When the shoes became too small to wear, chaichai was not willing to give them up. Mama thus searched from the Internet a photo of distored feets. After seeing and persuade continuously by mama, chaichai finally gave up and said "OKOK, I will not wear cockcoach then".

Mama bought a new pair of shoes for chaichai with CARS. Chaichai was excited about his new shoes.

想起那天要穿紅t-shirt,因為媽媽穿了紅的,細佬有時固執得來又幾sweet sweet喎
Stubborn chaichai once wore red t-shirt in order to match with mama. Sometimes, chaichai's personality made him a swee boy.

Once, chaichai drew an ice-cream for his book report. He was fulfilled.

But then I told him that the ice-cream looked like a sweet potato, chaichai was angry.

細佬要展示他在學校表現獲得全數 "手指公",沒有加鹽加醋,齊齊真的一邊打開他的手冊一邊說說:『我睇下係手指公先…係喎…真係全部都係手指公呀!』
Chaichai showed us his all "thumbs-up" comments on his notebook. He said "let me know if it is a thumbs-up...oh yes~..it is really all thumbs-up..."
