

姊妹look / sister look

靚模look / young model look

晶子look / monster look

細佬的也不錯吧! chaichai's new hair style is also good~!

上星期天氣有點冷,換上冬季校服 / Last week, it was a bit gold and we thus wore winder uniform.

However, mama forgot to prepare new black leather shoes for us. I thus wore a big pair and chaichai wore a white pair...

晚上馬上替我們買新的!In the evening, mama brough chaichai and I each one a pair of black leather shoes.

那麼今天就有新look配新裝了!Thats we had new look and new uniform for the new season, yeah~

Mama has been asking Chaichai for hair cut several time but chaichai refused. Conversely, I readily accepted mama's request of hair cut. In facf, I also found my hair too long and was painful during combing. Having finished, I looked at the mirror. I liked my new look.
Having saw my readiness and papamama repeated requests, chaichai also agreed have hair cut. However, chaichai was scared to tolerate only a few minutes. Therefore, mama had to make it in the speedy way with cutting at two side only.
Previously, mama said to chaichai that if he sill not cut his hair, he would soon become a girl. That why chaichai said "I won't become a girl" immediately after hair cut. It showed that chaichai was worrying about it. Now, chaichai asked sister Sa to cut her hair. Sister Sa said it was no required for girl. Chaichai replied that sister als cut her hair even if she is a girl. That why... it is no longer easy to deal with chaichai.