During the time staying in hospital with chunchun, I ate a lot...Having discharged from the hospital, I also ate a lot in order to relieve from the stressed and tired feeling. As I result, I gained 10 pounds more.
Hubby take the advices from a doctor: in order to stay healthy, doing exercise is even more important than our taking care of our daily intake and exercise should be done everyday.
Hubby thus promised to do exercise with me everyday and had given me a watch for measuring heartbeat, runing speed and distance. Thanks hubby...though I still don't know how to use.
Well...As a feebleminded person, I will try my best to keep my promise...wake up, run run run and stay away from devil snacks.

Those are requested by chunchun and chaichai. Why we are so alike in the way that we all love crunchy foods.
During the time staying in hospital with chunchun, I ate a lot...Having discharged from the hospital, I also ate a lot in order to relieve from the stressed and tired feeling. As I result, I gained 10 pounds more.
Hubby take the advices from a doctor: in order to stay healthy, doing exercise is even more important than our taking care of our daily intake and exercise should be done everyday.
Hubby thus promised to do exercise with me everyday and had given me a watch for measuring heartbeat, runing speed and distance. Thanks hubby...though I still don't know how to use.
Well...As a feebleminded person, I will try my best to keep my promise...wake up, run run run and stay away from devil snacks.

Those are requested by chunchun and chaichai. Why we are so alike in the way that we all love crunchy foods.
