There was birthday party so that we could wear casually. Teachers said that we had to wear hat. Let's see ours. Ms Cheung said I was cute and asked where did I buy this helmet-liked hat. I was bought by mama in flower market.

今天媽媽特意去為我選購一張貼紙。為奬勵我星期初答應媽媽要求我不跟細佬爭按lift 掣。媽媽沒有說過會有禮物,只是心裡想,若我真的做到了就給我禮物,為要讓我知道,我們做好事不是要為回報,但往往要有出人意外的收獲!
Mama bought me a pack of stickers. It was a reward to me for not strive against chaichai for pressing lift button. Mama prepared to give me a reward for that but did not mention that to me. Mama wanted me to know, we have to do somethings without reward, but then we would find it is worthy to do so.

Mama arrived home, chaichai and I drew a lot of pictures for mama. Chaichai asked mama to take pictures for them. It was like....a form of recognition, right?
There was birthday party so that we could wear casually. Teachers said that we had to wear hat. Let's see ours. Ms Cheung said I was cute and asked where did I buy this helmet-liked hat. I was bought by mama in flower market.

今天媽媽特意去為我選購一張貼紙。為奬勵我星期初答應媽媽要求我不跟細佬爭按lift 掣。媽媽沒有說過會有禮物,只是心裡想,若我真的做到了就給我禮物,為要讓我知道,我們做好事不是要為回報,但往往要有出人意外的收獲!
Mama bought me a pack of stickers. It was a reward to me for not strive against chaichai for pressing lift button. Mama prepared to give me a reward for that but did not mention that to me. Mama wanted me to know, we have to do somethings without reward, but then we would find it is worthy to do so.

Mama arrived home, chaichai and I drew a lot of pictures for mama. Chaichai asked mama to take pictures for them. It was like....a form of recognition, right?

I have an important announcement. When I have the check-up yesterday, the nurse said that my wounds were healed satisfactorily and the next check-up was scheduled in March 2012 excluding occupational therapy at end of this month.